Our School


Liberty Elementary School exists to collaboratively educate and engage all students in a safe, positive environment. The Liberty community strives to ensure students meet core learning standards and develop 21st Century Skills needed to grow, learn, and succeed as life-long learners and productive citizens.


  • We will provide innovative research-based learning opportunities to strengthen instruction aligned to the core standards.

  • We will engage staff in relevant professional development; to analyze data, implement instructional programs, and collaborate with peers to determine best practice for student learning.

  • We will create a caring, positive, safe, and engaging learning environment that fosters a sense of belonging.

  • We will embrace individual strengths, needs, and learning styles and design instruction that meets learner needs.

  • We will communicate with families to foster school and home relationships.

  • We will promote critical thinking, collaboration, communication & creativity and practice productive citizenship by demonstrating respect, ownership, attitude and responsibility.

  • We will work together as a team to teach, model, and support rigorous school-wide expectations, both behavioral and academic, to encourage personal responsibility and instill a growth mindset.